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A very muscly man shirtless with tattoos is performing a barbell squat with a very heavy bar showing four plates on each side. Probably 20kilo per plate, so with the bar a total of 180 Kilo on the bar.


It is extremely important to change your workout routine as you train. 

It's been repeated by many and it is true.

Why change routine = What you obtain if you don't change routine:

In general you feel no more post workout pain as before. Even if feeling it is not necessarily a good sign, never feeling it after a workout is a sign your body is used to your program.
Your shape can continue to improve but in general you will be close or already in a "plateau" which will make you feel like stagnating.
You may neglect some parts of your physique and end up with some imbalances.
You will be bored and have more chance to reduce your training or become less regular and finally take less care of your physique.

My advice

How often should you change routine?

Break down a year of workout into 4 trimesters.
Since you need to change quickly your workout not to get bored and to be as complete as possible, it is your best interest to change training several times.
One very good option is the following: Establish cycles workout for one trimester and repeat 4 times in one year, knowing there will be at least one or two trimesters which will not be completely achieved because of life unexpected events and holidays.
In one trimster you should be able to change at least 3 times your routine up to 6 times.
If you have 3 routines planned, you should be able to change every month for example.
If you have more than 3 routines planned, you should put an emphasis on one routine, depending on your objective.

Example of Workout routines:

For this year, I have programmed the following routines with their motivating names, which I will detail in further posts.

1. Equilibrium                                                      


Workout based on a traditionnal split of muscular reinforcement which is extremly effective. (Pecs/biceps ; Back/Biceps ; Shoulders/Legs)

2. The forgotten territories                                   


Workout based on a focus on the areas of the body which are forgotten in the main workout, though still very important.

3. Social elevation                                               


This is the workout you need to bring some fun after 6 weeks of rigorous reinforcement. Very enjoyable!

4. Testo filling                                                     


After 2 weeks of fun workout, the goal of the next 2 weeks is to make sure the workout will bring as much testosterone as possible in order to maximize gains and feel great.

5. Making cardio fun and unforgettable              


Heart must never be forgotten and a serious care must be brought to it. That's the dedication of this workout.

Massimo Veneto


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