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Showing posts from April, 2020


The businessman workout. So many people nowadays have trouble finding time to workout. Their job takes tremendous time and they cannot allocate enough time to train. Then comes the frustation of not being able to train like before and some just end up quitting. But it is possible to have a 45 min Maximum time workout of quality. This is why I propose hereafter a routine made of 3 workouts/ week, balanced with sufficient repetitions to get a real training of each muscle group.  Instructions:  1. The choice of dumbbell / barbell / Kettlebell is up to you.  2. Every workout start with any type of cardio from very slow to a steady rythm during circa 15-20 min.  3. Rest one day after each workout.  4. Add 1 or 2 'short' abs circuit in your rest days or at the end of the workouts.  Cardio warm-up [15-20 min] Workout I - CHEST & TRICEPS [20 min] Incline bench press: 2 sets x 8 reps Flat bench press: 2 sets x 8 reps Bench dumbbell fly: 2 sets x 8 re


CORONAVIRUS WORKOUT FOR WOMEN. For many, this is the time of lockdown because of covid-19. This virus has put us home but has not put our motivation away. However, our workout can be severely impacted by isolation. Please find hereafter a very efficient workout for women during lockdown, to be performed with very limited material, only a dumbbell and an elastic are necessary. Stay safe! Instructions:  1. The choice of dumbbell / barbell / Kettlebell is up to you. 2. Workout I, II and III to be repeated every week. 3. Rest one day after each workout. E.g. one possible routine is to workout on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The other days being resting days. 4. Add 1 or 2 'short' abs circuit in your rest days or at the end of the workouts. 5. Either achieve some cardio before each workout or warm-up with movements (example below). Movements warm-up: 30 sec Jumping Jack 30 sec Mountain climber 20 sec break 30 sec Jump Squat 30 sec Knee rise 20 sec break 30 sec B


THE FORGOTTEN TERRITORIES  This workout is based on the fact that in most workouts, some areas of our bodies are substantially less targetted or forgotten. Hence, this workout addresses this problem by providing a routine to perform during 2 weeks in order to reinforce these forgotten areas. Not only this workout will help rebalancing your physique, but it will also improve your performance once back to your usual workout. For women, simply divide by 2 the number of sets. For impair number, round it (e.g. 3/2 = 1.5 => 2). Instructions:  1. The choice of dumbbell / barbell / Kettlebell is up to you.  2. Every workout start with any type of cardio from very slow to a steady rythm during circa 15-20 min.  3. Workout I, II and III to be repeated once during 2 weeks. 4. Rest one day after each workout. E.g. one possible routine is to workout on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The other days being resting days.  Workout I - UPPER, LOWER & SIDE ABS


Here is a workout for women,  based on the following demands of our modern days: - Yes to muscles but no to look like bodybuilders - Accentuate feminity thanks to a workout - To be an athlete but also still fit easily into tight pair of jeans (no huge thighs) - Not boring but progressive and feasible workout Instructions:  1. The choice of dumbbell / barbell / Kettlebell is up to you.  2. Every workout start with any type of cardio from very slow to a steady rythm during circa 20 min.  Pick one for each session: Cycling , R unning,  Rowing,  Elliptical,  Swimming. 3. Workout I, II and III to be repeated every week. 4. Rest one day after each workout. 5. Remember, the bigger the weight, the bigger the muscles develop. So if you are not looking for muscle hypertrophy, just pick a weight for which you feel comfortable.  Workout I - BUTT & LEGS [19 min] Wide Squat: 2 sets x 6-10 reps Bulgarian split squat: 2 sets x 8-12 reps Hip thrust: 2 sets x 10 reps K


CORONAVIRUS WORKOUT For many, this is the time of lockdown because of covid-19. This virus has put us home but has not put our motivation away. However, our workout can be severely impacted by isolation. That is why I created a special workout for the lockdown to be performed with very limited material, only a dumbbell is necessary (2 more practical). Stay safe! Instructions: 1. The choice of dumbbell / barbell / Kettlebell is up to you. 2. Workout I, II and III to be repeated every week. 3. Rest one day after each workout. E.g. one possible routine is to workout on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The other days being resting days. 4. Add 1 or 2 'short' abs circuit in your rest days or at the end of the workouts. 5. Either achieve some cardio before each workout or warm-up with movements (example below). Movements warm-up: 30 sec Jumping Jack 30 sec Mountain climber 20 sec break 30 sec Jump Squat 30 sec Knee rise 20 sec break 30 sec Burpees 30 sec push-ups 3


THE EQUILIBRIUM WORKOUT Here is a typical workout but very... very... very effective.  Instructions:  1. The choice of dumbbell / barbell / Kettlebell is up to you.  2. Every workout start with any type of cardio from very slow to a steady rythm during circa 20 min.  Pick one for each session:  - Bicycle - Treadmill (running) - Rowing machine - Elliptical - Swimming 3. Workout I, II and III to be repeated every week. 4. Rest one day after each workout. E.g. one possible routine is to workout on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The other days being resting days.  5. Add 1 or 2 'short' abs circuit in your rest days or at the end of the workouts.  6. Probably the BEST workout to start bodybuilding seriously and have a balanced physique.  Workout I - CHEST & TRICEPS Incline bench press: 4 sets x 6-10 reps Flat bench press: 3 sets x 6-10 reps Bench dumbbell fly: 4 sets x 9 reps Skull Crushers (OR Dumbbell extension):


HOW TO SHIFT WORKOUT ROUTINE ? It is extremely important to change your workout routine as you train.  It's been repeated by many and it is true. Why change routine = What you obtain if you don't change routine: In general you feel no more post workout pain as before. Even if feeling it is not necessarily a good sign, never feeling it after a workout is a sign your body is used to your program. Your shape can continue to improve but in general you will be close or already in a "plateau" which will make you feel like stagnating. You may neglect some parts of your physique and end up with some imbalances. You will be bored and have more chance to reduce your training or become less regular and finally take less care of your physique. My advice How often should you change routine? Break down a year of workout into 4 trimesters. Since you need to change quickly your workout not to get bored and to be as complete as possible, it is your best


WHY GOING BACK TO YOUR CHILDHOOD MARTIAL ART IS A BAD IDEA I practiced judo as a child and teenager until the age of 13-14. Lately, carried by all the martial arts videos, the influence of the MMA broadcasted, and all my fitness readings, came the idea of starting judo again. In fact, it's the result of a reflection with a friend. We thought how badass it would look if we had a black belt in judo. And totally by chance, we realized that we both did judo when we were teenagers and that we both stopped at the same belt: orange-green belt. After this one, there is the green, blue, brown and the famous black belt. The experience: The training started as in all combat sports: warm-up, repetition of movements and at the end of a judo lesson, there is a little sparring. So we did it with many others. I wanted to try it with the teacher so that he could give me back the taste of judo. He was above the black belt: the red-white belt. So that means basically, this